Sunday, December 1, 2013
Monday, September 30, 2013
Mad sounds
I've always had a hard time for colourful piece of clothings and that's why I always looove to wear a tiny detail that has that splash of colour that I need. I don't know why but I think that it gives a lift to the outfit, like these earrings!
GAASH! I get so irritated! What is happening to the quality!? I hate that it gets soo bad when I'm uploading the pictures to my blog. It makes me not want to post anything at all.. Arrghh! Seriously :(:(
random turtles,
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Tea, scarves, jackets
my day in pictures,
random turtles
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
New start

Oh, it feels really weird to get back to school and all that stuff tomorrow without these people. It feels like it is their faces that I am supposed to meet and later on feel the tension in the air because every single person know what the other one is thinking. But tomorrow I am starting a new class and as if that is not enough it is also high school. Nervous? Surprisingly, no.
random turtles
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Friday, August 2, 2013
Here are a few photos that Elin took of me some days ago. It was actually fun even though all the clothes got wet and I had to sit in the dirtiest water. Okay, not dirtiest but something in that direction.. Anyway I think that the photos turned out well. After all - I'm not the easiest to photograph.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Monday, July 15, 2013
Här är endast ett FÅTAL bilder från vår resa i Budapest. Anledningarna till att det blev så få bilder är rätt simpel - tungt med kameran då jag helst ville ha det lätt, ingen tid eftersom det mest var skolsaker och en resa som helt enkelt var alldeles för rolig. Dock blev det några bilder fast inte på de mest "turistiga" ställena. Typ Auschwitz och sådant. Det kändes helt enkelt fel och väldigt jobbigt att stå och ta bilder på de ställena när de har så himla mycket hemsk historia bakom sig. Men annars, utsiktsbilder och privata bilder. Fast egentligen så kan ju inte ens miljoner bilder mäta upp sig med upplevelsen och hela atmosfären då man var där. Helt oslagbar
VERY FEW pictures from our trip to Budapest.
random turtles
Friday, July 12, 2013
F r i d a y
Weeho! I have got myself some photoshop again and a place (computer) where I can put all of my private and embarrasing photos. So happy and relieved!
Even though I'm in the middle of my summer break right now I have to get up around 5 o´clock in the morning tomorrow. It sounds terrible, I know, but it kind of was my own choice. I applied to this "summer job" thingy so yeah... well. Maybe it will be fun!
Even though I'm in the middle of my summer break right now I have to get up around 5 o´clock in the morning tomorrow. It sounds terrible, I know, but it kind of was my own choice. I applied to this "summer job" thingy so yeah... well. Maybe it will be fun!
random turtles,
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I don't really have a computer right now so editing photos and even staying updated with my favourite blogs are a bit hard.. I reaaaally have to get myself a permanent computer so that I can play with photos because that's what I löööööööööve! So yeah, that's the reason that the pictures above suck horseshit.
random turtles
Thursday, June 13, 2013

jHejhejhejhejej! Nu är jag tillbaka från Ungern och har hunnit avsluta grundskolan med fest och allt! Så mycket har hänt på så få dagar.
Kameran rördes nästan aldrig vid utomlands eftersom varenda sekund var fylld med någon slags aktivitet och på kvällarna slocknade man tidigt och ganska direkt. Men det var en riktigt bra resa, hade otroligt kul och ville egentligen inte lämna alls..
Heeellooo! I'm back from Hungary now and have also finished primary school with a party and everything! So much has happened in so few days.
The camera pretty much never got touched abroad because every second was filled with some kind of activity and at night you just fell asleep quite early and directly. But it was a great trip. It was incredibly fun and truth to be told, I never really wanted to leave it..
Monday, May 27, 2013
Thursday, April 25, 2013
my day in pictures,
random turtles
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
I wasn't sure if I was going to post this at all but... whatever. I've had these photos for forever but never posted them because I don't really think that any of the photos that I took that day turned out good. But yeah, shit that.
Today I had a national test in English. It was quite boring actually but I think I did okay. There're a lot of tests and presentations coming up in my schedule for the next couple of weeks.. Gosh, only five more weeks!.. Hope that all of you out there are fine and not stressed or anything. xxx
Today I had a national test in English. It was quite boring actually but I think I did okay. There're a lot of tests and presentations coming up in my schedule for the next couple of weeks.. Gosh, only five more weeks!.. Hope that all of you out there are fine and not stressed or anything. xxx
random turtles,
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
Åhhh! Så himla skönt med lov och att äntligen få SOVA UT och göra absolut ingenting. Okej, absolut ingenting just idag innebar att städa mitt rum och andra ställen men det var frivilligt och det är tuusen gånger bättre än skolarbeten. Dock har jag två inlämningar kvar som jag inte gjort men det skjuter jag fram på så länge som möjligt!.. GLAD PÅSK!! xx
Ahhh! It is so great with a break and to finally get to sleep the morning out and do absolutely nothing. Okay, absolutely nothing for today meant cleaning my room and other places but it was my own choice and it is a thousand times better than school work. However, I have two assignments left that I have not done but will avoid for as long as possible!.. HAPPY EASTER!! xx
Ahhh! It is so great with a break and to finally get to sleep the morning out and do absolutely nothing. Okay, absolutely nothing for today meant cleaning my room and other places but it was my own choice and it is a thousand times better than school work. However, I have two assignments left that I have not done but will avoid for as long as possible!.. HAPPY EASTER!! xx
random turtles,
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
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