Monday, January 21, 2013

Welcome to the new age

Monday, snow, cold. It feels so stupid to wear sunglasses when it's snow outside but.. The sun is showing!! And now I accidentally spilled a little bit of soda on myself..... great.   

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Chocolate attack


Idag åkte min syster iväg till Asien och hon kommer vara borta i fyra månader. Haha ååååhhh... kommer sakna henne huuuuuuuuuuuuuur mycket som helst, mongosyster :(((((((((((

My sister went to Asia today and she's going to be gone for four months. Haha aaaahhh... I'm going to miss her so, so much. Crääääzysistahhh :(((((((((((((

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Rule number one is that you gotta have fun

I actually took these outfitphotos outside but it was freezing cold so I didn't get any good ones. I turned to my classic white wall instead and the photos turned out quite great. Now I'm going to figure out the bass line to the Hair song Aquarius and study math. xxxxxx

Monday, January 7, 2013


I did not dye my hair red, I dyed it all purple but it turned out this way.. In the dark it looks okay but in daylight it just looks like a bad dip dye a la Snooki. I didn't want a dip dye. I just wanted the whole hair in one colour but now it looks like... that. Haha. But I'll fix it soon I hope.
School tomorrow, yeeaaayyy......... xxx

Sunday, January 6, 2013

2 0 1 3

Happy new years, merry christmas and all of those things that my blog have missed. I've been a little bit absent but only for a few weeks but I'm back now! I've got my energy reloaded and also a new and improved camera! My new love! <3 br="br">