Friday, March 29, 2013


Åhhh! Så himla skönt med lov och att äntligen få SOVA UT och göra absolut ingenting. Okej, absolut ingenting just idag innebar att städa mitt rum och andra ställen men det var frivilligt och det är tuusen gånger bättre än skolarbeten. Dock har jag två inlämningar kvar som jag inte gjort men det skjuter jag fram på så länge som möjligt!.. GLAD PÅSK!! xx

Ahhh! It is so great with a break and to finally get to sleep the morning out and do absolutely nothing. Okay, absolutely nothing for today meant cleaning my room and other places but it was my own choice and it is a thousand times better than school work. However, I have two assignments left that I have not done but will avoid for as long as possible!.. HAPPY EASTER!! xx

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

People are great

Hello darlings. I've had a wooonderful time since I last appeared here. Sure, the past few days have been filled with homework and tests but I've only got one day in school left and then it's Easter break! Can't waaaaait!!!

Monday, March 11, 2013


I'm so lazy nowadays.. But ehm, that doesn't have to be a negative thing... :)